
Social Media The Nonprofit Connection

Social Media The Nonprofit Connection eBook by Gayle Crabtree Download Now!

A needed tool for every nonprofit. No one understands the importance of social media for nonprofits more than Gayle Crabtree. She is the part time director of Hope for Healing.Org. Her track record for website performance is undeniable. Using keywords rape recovery or accepting Christ. You will immediately see Hope for Healing.Org listed highly on the first page - often in the #1 -#3 position! Over 2,000 people combined follow Gayle on Twitter and Facebook.

Now, she shares her knowledge with you. Social Media - The Nonprofit Connection is an affordable ebook that helps you learn the ropes of the social media world. Terms Twitter, Facebook, Digg and StumbleUpon are explained in user friendly format. Don't worry if you don't know terms like blogosphere or Digging. After reading this ebook you will be spouting these hip social media terms with ease.

If your nonprofit is looking at creating a blog or doing online fundraising you need this ebook. It takes all of the guesswork out of social media. Download it today to start harnessing the power of the internet for your nonprofit. At $6.99 Social Media - The Nonprofit Connection is within the budget of every nonprofit organization.

Gayle is sought after as a speaker and consultant. She works hard to make her workshops affordable and relevant to the nonprofit world. Booking her for your next event is as simple as emailing contact@imaginepublicity.com.

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