

Man featured on 'America's Most Wanted' nabbed in Morristown � Knoxville News Sentinel

The website of the Knoxville News Sentinel is reporting that a Wyoming man was taken into custody in Morristown, Tennessee. According to the article the man was featured in America's Most Wanted.

America's Most Wanted profiles bad guys (and girls) who are on the run. In this case the man on the run was a previously convicted sex offender. The show is approached by victim's families or law enforcement to help them find suspects. Law enforcement approached AMW asking for help with the case. Now, AMW is listing Vincent Boyd as 'captured". According to the show website he was suspected of possibly being in Sevierville, Tennessee or Niagara Falls but was ultimately found in Morristown.

Every time a child molester is removed from the streets parents sleep better. Sex offenders are required by law to register with the state. Although a very few sex offenders fail to comply most do. Parents should frequently check the sex offender registry for their state and learn who the neighbors are.


Man featured on 'America's Most Wanted' nabbed in Morristown � Knoxville News Sentinel

Suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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