Tomorrow the deliberations begin in the trial of Vanessa Coleman for her part in the kidnapping, murders and rapes of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom. If convicted she could face the death penalty that many people are hoping for.
Vanessa Coleman is the 4th defendant to be tried for her part in the rape, kidnapping and murders.
Her former boyfriend, Letalvis Cobbins received Life Without Parole.
His half brother, Lemaricus Davidson received the Death Penalty.
George Thomas, friend of the above, received Life Without Parole.
These are not young men that parents want their daughter to be associated with. The parents of Vanessa Coleman took the stand to testify on behalf of their daughter. Even though the jury was told that Vanessa would take the stand herself she did not.
Rape and sexual assault advocates across the country are watching this case. Those who work with rape victims know that sexual assault and rape are bad enough without Channon Christian and Chris Newsom also having been carjacked, kidnapped, rapes and tortured for hours. Chris's body was set ablaze near some railroad tracks not far from the "House of Hell". Channon's body was bagged and stuffed into a trashcan. Both were bound.
Evil is the one word to describe the horrors they went through. Pure Hell is another.
No matter what the jury decides nothing can bring these 2 kids back to their families. But maybe, just maybe, the end of these trials will allow the families a sense of justice.