Raising awareness can take many forms. Special prayer services during domestic violence awarness month in October can be a moving service. Some churches put domestic violence information in the church restrooms all year. Posters and small cards from your local domestic violence agency are traditional items. Other spots might include information on a bulletin board, a poster in the fellowship hall or other gathering area.
Ministry to the community can include a special prayer service or prayer walks. Hosting a fundraiser for your local domestic violence program is a good way to involve the community, raise awareness and support God's hurting children at the same time.
The first step is to ask your pastor what training he or she has received about domestic violence. The next step is to prayerfully discern what God is calling your church to do.

Do you feel God is calling your church to be more sensitive to the needs of survivors? Gayle can help. She is available to speak to groups of any size. In return, all she asks for is help covering expenses. This can be as simple as a love offering. To learn more email contact@imaginepublicity.com today.