April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and I'm doing my part to participate in the 2011 Social Media SpeakOut by Hope for Healing.Org. So far this month I have used Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg, Facebook and other platforms to spread the word. Hopefully, you have too.
If not, you can point your browser over to the Hope Blog. Search 'awareness' or 'speakout'. Choose the one (or ones) that you like best and share with friends across your social media network. If the one that you select is already on the networking site that you use great! Be sure to like, Digg or otherwise mark it as a favorite.
Wearing an awareness ribbon is a good way to let others know about sexual assault. Wear one on your shirt or jacket. When people ask about it be sure to tell them what you are raising awareness for.
Stats from RAINN tell us that every 2 minutes, somewhere in the United States, someone else will become a victim of sexual violence. From talking with victims, I know that many feel alone after being victimized. Sending a social media status update or wearing a teal ribbon are small things to us. They mean a lot to the survivors who are hurting.
Today, I'm posting the following social media update for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Which one will you choose? Visit the Hope Blog and leave a message in their comment section. Tell the world that you support survivors of sexual violence.
Social media status update:
I choose to stand by victims of sexual assault. Do you? Post this to your status to support victims. http://bit.ly/gPBZIe #SAAM

If not, you can point your browser over to the Hope Blog. Search 'awareness' or 'speakout'. Choose the one (or ones) that you like best and share with friends across your social media network. If the one that you select is already on the networking site that you use great! Be sure to like, Digg or otherwise mark it as a favorite.
Wearing an awareness ribbon is a good way to let others know about sexual assault. Wear one on your shirt or jacket. When people ask about it be sure to tell them what you are raising awareness for.
Stats from RAINN tell us that every 2 minutes, somewhere in the United States, someone else will become a victim of sexual violence. From talking with victims, I know that many feel alone after being victimized. Sending a social media status update or wearing a teal ribbon are small things to us. They mean a lot to the survivors who are hurting.
Today, I'm posting the following social media update for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Which one will you choose? Visit the Hope Blog and leave a message in their comment section. Tell the world that you support survivors of sexual violence.
Social media status update:
I choose to stand by victims of sexual assault. Do you? Post this to your status to support victims. http://bit.ly/gPBZIe #SAAM