It's that time of year again. Domestic Violence Awareness Month is in October. At the time of this writing that's only two weeks away. This is an important month because it encourages everyone to focus on ending violence. The first step toward stopping it is to recognize the behavior and call it what it is – a crime.
Domestic violence, domestic abuse, family violence, intimate partner violence... These are all names for the same set of symptoms. This type of violence is about power and control that escalates over time. It's a learned cycle that can be prevented.
If we don't understand what it is we can't prevent it. Education is key and that's exactly what Domestic Violence Awareness Month is all about. Participating isn't hard. In fact, it can be as simple as adding the national hotline number of 800.799.SAFE at the bottom of your company newsletter or email.
An educational display in your office or church is easy to put together. Your local shelter can provide you with pamphlets or fliers. Or, you can download free brochures or other information off of the internet.
Jean's Day is a great way to help during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Donate the proceeds to Hope for Healing.Org or to your local shelter. The economy has taken its toll on programs across the country. Not only are employees educated about abuse but a jeans is a good way to raise needed funds.
Participating is also as easy as posting or retweeting status updates throughout October.