

Online auction benefits Susan Murphy Milano

In case you haven't heard, there's an auction in progress that benefits Susan Murphy-Milano. Susan is a recognized expert on domestic violence who has been involved with high-profile and local cases. Now, she is locked into a battle for her own life as she tries to fight cancer as an uninsured American.

This is one of my soapbox rants that really gets me going. Healthcare should be a basic right in all countries. In this day and age, it is inexcusable for anyone to be unable to receive healthcare. Emergency room coverage is provided in many states.

Without coverage, preventative steps that can keep some diseases from becoming emergencies is nonexistent. Then there is the question of how to meet prescription an follow-up care after the patient is discharged from the emergency department. I have seen people return to the emergency department after just a few days because they couldn't buy medications or access follow-up care. It's absurd!

The ongoing auction will help Susan receive much-needed care. Tests, medications and treatment have all had to be put on hold because of money. Some great items are up for bids (including a landscape photo from yours truly). Make time to visit the auction. It's happening right now on Facebook.