I sometimes have to travel for work and cannot always use the
camper. Lately, it seems that hotels are becoming increasingly
disorganized in the breakfast area. When I am on work related travel
for Hope for Healing.Org, I have only a few needs. Safe clean rooms,
comfortable beds and a morning breakfast with caffeine.
You can't blame a breakfast hostess for running out of some needed
items. Coffee, sugar and cream always need to be replenished. It's
when the hostess completely runs out of something that the
frustration can set in. Using a hotel supply can make things easier. The hostess can make a list of
whatever is needed and give it to the manager for ordering.
Instead of properly stocking up on Hotel and catering supplies what I frequently witness is a
hotel manager running into the lobby with a coffee can or other items
in hand. Making store runs in the morning hours is not the way to
keep guests happy.
Using a service like can PeachSuiteWholesale Hotel Supply & Restaurant Supplier streamline the
process. It can also help a hotel to offer additional services. When
my daughter was getting married we checked with several places for
meeting room accommodations. All we needed was a relatively small
room with linens and tableware. We couldn't find it so we ended up
going to a restaurant. What was good news for the eatery, was bad
news for the hotel.
There are lots of good reasons to use a supply service. I
encourage managers and owners to see what one can do for you. We
guests need our morning coffee.