
MIBG test postponed pending insurance approval

It looks like the weather that postponed the MIBG test may have done me a favor. It's an extremely expensive scan. A friend suggested phoning the insurance company about it and I'm glad I did. They won't guarantee coverage until a pre-determination is filed along with medical justification for doing the test.

My insurance company does not require pre-approval for medical tests. However; they said that all nuclear medical testing is subject to review and justification. The representative said that until the predetermination letter is returned, the insurance company cannot guarantee coverage.

According to the rep, it takes 7-10 working days (about two calendar weeks) to process the letter after it's received.

The MIBG was moved from this week to next week because of foul weather. Now, we wait some more.

I see the doctor again during the first week of February. It's supposed to be a follow-up to go over the test results. It looks like we'll be talking about getting a letter out instead.

It's a good thing that this isn't an emergency.