

Ocala Movie gives hope to survivors of child sexual abuse of males ...

I would be remiss if I didn't tell you about the Ocala Movie. The script is about a man who comes to terms with an abusive childhood and finally discovers who he is. This isn't just his story but it is the story of the 1:6 boys who are victims of child sexual abuse of males.

The team allowed me to review the script. I was impressed by what I read and am glad to support the movie. 

Don't think that it's "only" about overcoming child sexual abuse of males. Although the movie does give hope to survivors of abuse, the story is not so simple. The script is raw but powerful and realistic but hopeful. There are scenes of abuse that will make you mad and scenes of forgiveness that will make you cry.

Abuse alters the world around you and causes a victim to think and act differently. The actions can lead to damaged or broken relationships or abusive behaviors. It can cause survivors to lash out in anger against the people they love most or at themselves. Ocala doesn't shy away from that but it also gives survivors a reason to hope. 

It takes its name from the street where the abuse happened. One of the things that struck me about the script is that Ocala could be any street in any neighborhood. Children play. Neighbors call to each other. On the surface it seems to be an ideal place to raise children. In reality, the street holds a dark secret because of one man, in one house.

Here is more about the Ocala Movie. Once you hear more about it, I think that you'll want to join me in supporting the movie.