

Cliff Stevenson Group in Calgary puts real estate property at your fingertips

My daughter and I saw a lifetime of interesting places when we drove to Alaska. It's safe to say that one of the friendliest was Calgary, Canada. Although the land is fairly level (see photos) the town is within an easy drive from the Canadian Rockies.

It's a metropolitan city. Calgary has everything that you can think of in terms of shopping, the arts, culture and everything else that you would want to do. It's easy to see why people live there.

The website for the Cliff Stevenson Group came to my attention recently. The company website is quick loading and user friendly. Calgary real estate is at your fingertips in a few clicks.

What first struck me about the website is the "About Cliff" page. He's the lead guy of the Cliff Stevenson Group. His portion of the page isn't your typical "I can put you in a house now, ask me how".

Instead, Cliff shares why he is selling real estate in Calgary. The page reveals his passion and interest in the city. How many company owners do that?

The site has bios of other Calgary real estate agents that are on the team. The team comes across as professional and educated in various types of real estate.

The search box is in the top left hand corner. Search by price, neighborhood, the number of bedrooms... you name it. There is even a blog link where you can read more and interact by leaving comments.

Moving to Calgary probably isn't in my cards but, you never know what life has in store. I'm bookmarking the site - just in case...