

Mission trip is getting closer

The date for the mission trip to Montana is getting closer. Wesley Memorial UMC is putting it together. My husband and I are going along to offer pastoral leadership and guidance. It should be an amazing experience.

On-site leadership is provided by Mission of Joy. They have a strong ministry in Hungry Horse, Montana. Our team will be serving up some home cooked meals and hosting a VBS right after lunch. Although it has a VBS component, I'm expecting the two experiences to be wildly different.

As with Mississippi, my husband and I will be driving to Montana. Mapping software says the trip will be about 4,500 miles. We'll see how accurate that is when we return.

Going up, I'll be meeting with a colleague in Evansville, Indiana and picking up our daughter in Illinois. It looks like the shortest way home will be through two National Parks. Since we're in the van, the parks should provide economical accommodations - or so we hope!

Internet access may be a challenge but I'll keep you updated as I can. Facebook may be the best way to follow the trip. If you aren't following me already, you can do so here.